Maxim Gorky
Born "Aleksey Maksimovich Peshkov" on March 16, 1868, in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia--later renamed in his honor--Maxim Gorky would learn early the harsh lessons of life. Lahir "Aleksey Maksimovich Peshkov" pada 16 Maret 1868, di Nizhny Novgorod, Rusia - kemudian diubah namanya di kehormatan - Maxim Gorky akan mempelajari awal pelajaran yang tajam kehidupan. He spent his early childhood in Astrakhan where his father worked as a shipping agent, but when the boy was only five years old, his father died, and he was sent to live with his maternal grandparents. Dia menghabiskan nya anak usia dini di Astrakhan dimana ayahnya bekerja sebagai ekspeditur, tetapi ketika anak itu hanya lima tahun, ayahnya meninggal, dan ia dikirim untuk tinggal bersama kakek / nenek ibu. This was not a happy time for the young Gorky as conditions were poor and often violent. At the age of eight, the boy's grandfather forced him to quit school and apprenticed him to several tradesmen including a shoemaker and an icon painter. Ini juga tidak senang waktu bagi kaum muda Gorky sebagai kondisi yang buruk dan sering menggunakan kekerasan. Pada usia delapan, anak dari kakek dia terpaksa berhenti sekolah dan apprenticed kepada beberapa pedagang termasuk tukang sepatu dan sebuah ikon pelukis. Fortunately, Gorky also worked as a dishwasher on a Volga steamer where a friendly cook taught him to read, and literature soon became his passion. Untungnya, Gorky juga bekerja sebagai pencuci piring di sebuah kapal api Volga ramah memasak di mana dia diajarkan untuk membaca, dan sastra yang segera menjadi semangat.
At the age of twelve, Gorky ran away from home and barely survived, half starving, moving from one small job to the next. He was often beaten by his employers and seldom had enough to eat. Pada usia dua belas, Gorky berlari jauh dari rumah dan hampir tidak selamat, setengah lapar, pindah dari satu pekerjaan kecil ke yang berikutnya. Ia sering dipukuli oleh para pengusaha dan jarang memiliki cukup untuk makan. The bitterness of these early experiences led him to choose the name Maxim Gorky (which means "the bitter one") as his pseudonym. Yang kepahitan ini dipimpin awal pengalaman dia untuk memilih nama Maxim Gorky (yang berarti "habis-satu") sebagai nama sanaran.
Gorky's teenage years were spent working in Kazan as a baker, docker, and night watchman. Gorky dari remaja tahun yang dihabiskan di Kazan bekerja sebagai tukang roti, buruh pelabuhan, dan penjaga malam. At the age of 21, Gorky attempted suicide, shooting a bullet through his lung. Pada usia 21, Gorky mencoba bunuh diri, penembakan peluru yang melalui paru-paru. Although he survived, his lungs were permanently damaged and caused him to suffer frequent bouts of tuberculosis. Meskipun ia selamat, paru-paru yang telah rusak secara permanen dan menyebabkan dia menderita sering buti tuberkulosis. After recovering from this incident, he left Kazan and tramped around the country, from his native Nijny Novgorod all the way to the southern Caucasus and back again. During the course of this two-year journey, he became acquainted with the lowest members of society, the derelicts, theives, and prostitutes. After recovering dari kejadian ini, dia meninggalkan dan Kazan tramped di seluruh Indonesia, dari asli Nijny Novgorod semua jalan ke selatan Kaukasus dan kembali lagi. Selama kursus ini selama dua tahun perjalanan, ia berkenalan dengan menjadi anggota masyarakat terendah , yang derelicts, pencuri, dan pelacur.
At the age of 24, he decided to rejoin society and took a job as a reporter for a provincial newspaper. Pada usia 24, ia memutuskan untuk bergabung kembali masyarakat dan mengambil pekerjaan sebagai reporter untuk sebuah surat kabar provinsi. Although jailed periodically for association with revolutionaries and for his own outspoken opinion on the existing social order, Gorky managed to publish a few short stories, mostly about the tramps and derelicts he had met on his journeys. Meskipun yg dipenjarakan secara berkala untuk berserikat dengan revolutionaries dan pendapat sendiri diucapkan pada urutan sosial yang ada, Gorky dikelola untuk menerbitkan beberapa cerita pendek, kebanyakan tentang tramps dan derelicts dia bertemu di perjalanan. These short stories soon became very popular, touching the imagination of the Russian people. Cerita pendek ini segera menjadi sangat populer, menyentuh imajinasi dari orang Rusia. Gorky became a kind of folk hero. Gorky menjadi semacam kaum pahlawan. He was the first Russian author to write sympathetically of such characters as tramps and theives, emphasizing their daily struggles against overwhelming odds. Eventually, rumors reached the Moscow Art Theatre of "a tramp from the Volga with an enormous talent for writing," and when Chekhov introduced Gorky to the company in the spring of 1900, they convinced him to give them a play. Dia adalah yang pertama Rusia penulis untuk menulis sympathetically seperti tramps sebagai karakter dan pencuri, yang menekankan mereka sehari-hari perjuangan melawan peluang besar. Akhirnya, rumors mencapai Moskow Seni Teater dari "a tramp dari Volga dengan bakat yang besar untuk menulis," dan bila Chekhov diperkenalkan Gorky kepada perusahaan yang dalam musim semi 1900, mereka yakin dia memberikan mereka bermain.
Gorky spent the next two years toiling over two plays. Gorky menghabiskan waktu dua tahun lebih dari dua toiling memutar. The first to appear on the stage was The Smug Citizen (1902) which portrayed the worker as superior to the average intellectual. The play was produced by the Moscow Art Theatre in 1902, but only in a censored version because Gorky had come to the attention of the Tsarist police. Pertama muncul di panggung yang telah mendandan Citizen (1902) yang digambarkan sebagai pekerja yang unggul dengan rata-rata intelektual. Bermain yang dibuat oleh Seni Teater di Moskow 1902, tapi hanya dalam versi censored karena Gorky telah menjadi perhatian dari Tsarist polisi. They now had a file on the writer. Mereka kini memiliki file di writer. Because of his outspoken opinions, they considered him a threat. Karena dia terus pendapat, mereka dianggap sebagai ancaman dia. In addition, the authorities had Gorky's election to the Imperial Academy of Russian Artists overturned, sparking a storm of controversy, even from the mild-mannered Chekhov who resigned from the academy in protest. Selain itu, pihak berwenang telah Gorky dari pemilihan ke Imperial Academy of russian Artis overturned, sparking sebuah badai yang kontroversi, bahkan dari berwatak halus Chekhov yang mengundurkan diri dari akademi di protes. During the premiere of the play, the theatre was surrounded by a squadron of mounted Cossacks in order to discourage any public demonstrations. Selama premier dari bermain, teater yang telah dikelilingi oleh pasukan dari mount Cossacks untuk membuat publik demonstrasi. Although The Smug Citizen is no longer considered an important work, all of the controversy surrounding it insured its success at the time with the Russian public. Meskipun mendandan The Citizen tidak lagi dianggap penting bekerja, seluruh kontroversi sekitar itu diasuransikan keberhasilan pada waktu dengan Rusia publik.
Gorky's second play, The Lower Depths (1902), however, was even more successful. Gorky bermain kedua, The Lower Depths (1902), namun, bahkan lebih sukses. Produced by the Moscow Art Theatre in 1902, the play is full of striking characterizations, based mostly on outcasts Gorky had met during his travels. Dibuat oleh Seni Teater di Moskow 1902, yang bermain penuh dari mengesankan characterizations, sebagian besar didasarkan pada outcasts Gorky telah bertemu selama perjalanan. Like all of his novels, short stories, and plays, The Lower Depths was a protest against inhumanity, but Gorky not only wrote about the injustices of his society, he also acted against them. Seperti segala novel, cerita pendek, dan memutar, The Lower Depths merupakan protes terhadap kekejaman, tetapi tidak hanya Gorky menulis tentang injustices of his masyarakat, ia juga bertindak terhadap mereka. He continued to be involved in revolutionary activities, and his sympathies soon turned towards the Marxists. Dia terus untuk terlibat dalam kegiatan revolusioner, dan sympathies segera berubah ke arah Marxists. In fact, the earning from his plays, which were donated to support party activities, constituted a large portion of the organization's income. Sebenarnya, penghasilan dari bermain, yang disumbangkan untuk mendukung kegiatan partai, dilantik sebagian besar pendapatan organisasi. As a result of Gorky's activities, he also continued to be in and out of jail. Sebagai hasil dari kegiatan Gorky, ia juga terus menjadi dalam dan keluar dari penjara. During one prison sentence, he composed The Children of the Sun (1905). Selama satu hukuman penjara, ia terdiri dari anak-anak The Sun (1905). After the abortive revolution of 1905, in which he was involved, Gorky went abroad to raise money for the Marxists. Setelah revolusi abortive dari 1905, di mana dia terlibat, Gorky pergi ke luar negeri untuk meningkatkan uang untuk Marxists. During this period, he wrote Summer Folk (1903), Barbarians (1906), and Enemies (1906), The Last Ones (1908), Queer People (1910), Vassa Zheleznova (1910). Selama periode ini, ia menulis Ringtone Paper (1903), Barbarians (1906), dan Enemies (1906), The Last Ones (1908), Queer Orang (1910), Vassa Zheleznova (1910). Russian theatres, however, were forbidden by the authorities to produce Enemies or The Last Ones . Gorky returned to Russia in 1914, just in time for World War I and the Bolshevik Revolution. Rusia teater, namun, yang dilarang oleh penguasa untuk memproduksi atau Enemies The Last Ones. Gorky kembali ke Rusia pada 1914, hanya dalam waktu selama Perang Dunia I dan Revolusi Bolshevik. Although he agreed with the Bolsheviks in opposing Russia's involvement in the war, he opposed their seizure of power in 1917 and publicly criticized Lenin's methods. Disillusioned with post-revolutionairy life, he again went abroad, this time to Italy, where he remained from 1922 to 1930. Walaupun ia sepakat dengan Bolsheviks dalam menentang Rusia dari keterlibatan dalam perang, ia menentang mereka dalam perebutan kekuasaan dan publik 1917 dikritik Lenin dari metode. Kecewa dengan pasca revolutionairy hidup, ia kembali pergi ke luar negeri, kali ini ke Italia, di mana dia tetap dari 1922 ke 1930.
In 1928, Gorky yielded to great public pressure to return to Russia, and upon his return, he was greeted with extravagant festivities. Pada tahun 1928, Gorky besar untuk menghasilkan tekanan publik untuk kembali ke Rusia, dan setelah itu kembali, dia disambut dengan acara-acara luar biasa. He died on June 14, 1936 at the age of sixty-eight, and there is a bit of a mystery surrounding the circumstances of his death. Dia meninggal pada 14 Jun 1936 pada usia enam puluh delapan, dan ada sedikit misteri sekitar keadaan dari kematiannya. Although he was receiving treatment for tuberculosis, from which he had suffered ever since his failed suicide attempt at the age of 21, these treatments were standard, and his life was not considered to be in jeopardy. Meskipun ia menerima perawatan untuk tuberkulosis, dimana ia pernah menderita sejak ia gagal mencoba bunuh diri pada usia 21, ini adalah perawatan standar, dan hidupnya tidak dianggap dalam bahaya. A police chief, Genrikh Yagoda, later confessed to having ordered his death, and although there has been no solid proof, some historians believe Yagoda was acting under orders from Stalin himself. J kepala polisi, Genrikh Yagoda, kemudian mengakui yang memerintahkan kematiannya, dan meskipun belum ada bukti kuat, beberapa sejarahwan yakin Yagoda telah bertindak berdasarkan pesanan dari Stalin sendiri.
Gorky left behind a body of work that helped to found socialist realism. Gorky kiri di belakang tubuh yang bekerja membantu menemukan realisme sosialis. His other plays include The Zykovs (1914), The Old Man (1919), The Counterfeit Coin (1926), Yegor Bulychov (1931), and Dostegayev and Others (1933). In addition to his plays, novels, and short stories, he also wrote an autobiographical trilogy consisting of My Childhood (1914), In the World (1916), and My Universities (1923). His lainnya yang diputar termasuk Zykovs (1914), The Old Man (1919), The Coin Palsu (1926), Yegor Bulychov (1931), dan Dostegayev dan Lain-lain (1933). Selain itu diputar, novel, dan cerita pendek, Ia juga menulis riwayat hidup sendiri yang terdiri dari trilogi Saya Childhood (1914), In the World (1916), dan Perguruan Tinggi Saya (1923).
At the age of twelve, Gorky ran away from home and barely survived, half starving, moving from one small job to the next. He was often beaten by his employers and seldom had enough to eat. Pada usia dua belas, Gorky berlari jauh dari rumah dan hampir tidak selamat, setengah lapar, pindah dari satu pekerjaan kecil ke yang berikutnya. Ia sering dipukuli oleh para pengusaha dan jarang memiliki cukup untuk makan. The bitterness of these early experiences led him to choose the name Maxim Gorky (which means "the bitter one") as his pseudonym. Yang kepahitan ini dipimpin awal pengalaman dia untuk memilih nama Maxim Gorky (yang berarti "habis-satu") sebagai nama sanaran.
Gorky's teenage years were spent working in Kazan as a baker, docker, and night watchman. Gorky dari remaja tahun yang dihabiskan di Kazan bekerja sebagai tukang roti, buruh pelabuhan, dan penjaga malam. At the age of 21, Gorky attempted suicide, shooting a bullet through his lung. Pada usia 21, Gorky mencoba bunuh diri, penembakan peluru yang melalui paru-paru. Although he survived, his lungs were permanently damaged and caused him to suffer frequent bouts of tuberculosis. Meskipun ia selamat, paru-paru yang telah rusak secara permanen dan menyebabkan dia menderita sering buti tuberkulosis. After recovering from this incident, he left Kazan and tramped around the country, from his native Nijny Novgorod all the way to the southern Caucasus and back again. During the course of this two-year journey, he became acquainted with the lowest members of society, the derelicts, theives, and prostitutes. After recovering dari kejadian ini, dia meninggalkan dan Kazan tramped di seluruh Indonesia, dari asli Nijny Novgorod semua jalan ke selatan Kaukasus dan kembali lagi. Selama kursus ini selama dua tahun perjalanan, ia berkenalan dengan menjadi anggota masyarakat terendah , yang derelicts, pencuri, dan pelacur.
At the age of 24, he decided to rejoin society and took a job as a reporter for a provincial newspaper. Pada usia 24, ia memutuskan untuk bergabung kembali masyarakat dan mengambil pekerjaan sebagai reporter untuk sebuah surat kabar provinsi. Although jailed periodically for association with revolutionaries and for his own outspoken opinion on the existing social order, Gorky managed to publish a few short stories, mostly about the tramps and derelicts he had met on his journeys. Meskipun yg dipenjarakan secara berkala untuk berserikat dengan revolutionaries dan pendapat sendiri diucapkan pada urutan sosial yang ada, Gorky dikelola untuk menerbitkan beberapa cerita pendek, kebanyakan tentang tramps dan derelicts dia bertemu di perjalanan. These short stories soon became very popular, touching the imagination of the Russian people. Cerita pendek ini segera menjadi sangat populer, menyentuh imajinasi dari orang Rusia. Gorky became a kind of folk hero. Gorky menjadi semacam kaum pahlawan. He was the first Russian author to write sympathetically of such characters as tramps and theives, emphasizing their daily struggles against overwhelming odds. Eventually, rumors reached the Moscow Art Theatre of "a tramp from the Volga with an enormous talent for writing," and when Chekhov introduced Gorky to the company in the spring of 1900, they convinced him to give them a play. Dia adalah yang pertama Rusia penulis untuk menulis sympathetically seperti tramps sebagai karakter dan pencuri, yang menekankan mereka sehari-hari perjuangan melawan peluang besar. Akhirnya, rumors mencapai Moskow Seni Teater dari "a tramp dari Volga dengan bakat yang besar untuk menulis," dan bila Chekhov diperkenalkan Gorky kepada perusahaan yang dalam musim semi 1900, mereka yakin dia memberikan mereka bermain.
Gorky spent the next two years toiling over two plays. Gorky menghabiskan waktu dua tahun lebih dari dua toiling memutar. The first to appear on the stage was The Smug Citizen (1902) which portrayed the worker as superior to the average intellectual. The play was produced by the Moscow Art Theatre in 1902, but only in a censored version because Gorky had come to the attention of the Tsarist police. Pertama muncul di panggung yang telah mendandan Citizen (1902) yang digambarkan sebagai pekerja yang unggul dengan rata-rata intelektual. Bermain yang dibuat oleh Seni Teater di Moskow 1902, tapi hanya dalam versi censored karena Gorky telah menjadi perhatian dari Tsarist polisi. They now had a file on the writer. Mereka kini memiliki file di writer. Because of his outspoken opinions, they considered him a threat. Karena dia terus pendapat, mereka dianggap sebagai ancaman dia. In addition, the authorities had Gorky's election to the Imperial Academy of Russian Artists overturned, sparking a storm of controversy, even from the mild-mannered Chekhov who resigned from the academy in protest. Selain itu, pihak berwenang telah Gorky dari pemilihan ke Imperial Academy of russian Artis overturned, sparking sebuah badai yang kontroversi, bahkan dari berwatak halus Chekhov yang mengundurkan diri dari akademi di protes. During the premiere of the play, the theatre was surrounded by a squadron of mounted Cossacks in order to discourage any public demonstrations. Selama premier dari bermain, teater yang telah dikelilingi oleh pasukan dari mount Cossacks untuk membuat publik demonstrasi. Although The Smug Citizen is no longer considered an important work, all of the controversy surrounding it insured its success at the time with the Russian public. Meskipun mendandan The Citizen tidak lagi dianggap penting bekerja, seluruh kontroversi sekitar itu diasuransikan keberhasilan pada waktu dengan Rusia publik.
Gorky's second play, The Lower Depths (1902), however, was even more successful. Gorky bermain kedua, The Lower Depths (1902), namun, bahkan lebih sukses. Produced by the Moscow Art Theatre in 1902, the play is full of striking characterizations, based mostly on outcasts Gorky had met during his travels. Dibuat oleh Seni Teater di Moskow 1902, yang bermain penuh dari mengesankan characterizations, sebagian besar didasarkan pada outcasts Gorky telah bertemu selama perjalanan. Like all of his novels, short stories, and plays, The Lower Depths was a protest against inhumanity, but Gorky not only wrote about the injustices of his society, he also acted against them. Seperti segala novel, cerita pendek, dan memutar, The Lower Depths merupakan protes terhadap kekejaman, tetapi tidak hanya Gorky menulis tentang injustices of his masyarakat, ia juga bertindak terhadap mereka. He continued to be involved in revolutionary activities, and his sympathies soon turned towards the Marxists. Dia terus untuk terlibat dalam kegiatan revolusioner, dan sympathies segera berubah ke arah Marxists. In fact, the earning from his plays, which were donated to support party activities, constituted a large portion of the organization's income. Sebenarnya, penghasilan dari bermain, yang disumbangkan untuk mendukung kegiatan partai, dilantik sebagian besar pendapatan organisasi. As a result of Gorky's activities, he also continued to be in and out of jail. Sebagai hasil dari kegiatan Gorky, ia juga terus menjadi dalam dan keluar dari penjara. During one prison sentence, he composed The Children of the Sun (1905). Selama satu hukuman penjara, ia terdiri dari anak-anak The Sun (1905). After the abortive revolution of 1905, in which he was involved, Gorky went abroad to raise money for the Marxists. Setelah revolusi abortive dari 1905, di mana dia terlibat, Gorky pergi ke luar negeri untuk meningkatkan uang untuk Marxists. During this period, he wrote Summer Folk (1903), Barbarians (1906), and Enemies (1906), The Last Ones (1908), Queer People (1910), Vassa Zheleznova (1910). Selama periode ini, ia menulis Ringtone Paper (1903), Barbarians (1906), dan Enemies (1906), The Last Ones (1908), Queer Orang (1910), Vassa Zheleznova (1910). Russian theatres, however, were forbidden by the authorities to produce Enemies or The Last Ones . Gorky returned to Russia in 1914, just in time for World War I and the Bolshevik Revolution. Rusia teater, namun, yang dilarang oleh penguasa untuk memproduksi atau Enemies The Last Ones. Gorky kembali ke Rusia pada 1914, hanya dalam waktu selama Perang Dunia I dan Revolusi Bolshevik. Although he agreed with the Bolsheviks in opposing Russia's involvement in the war, he opposed their seizure of power in 1917 and publicly criticized Lenin's methods. Disillusioned with post-revolutionairy life, he again went abroad, this time to Italy, where he remained from 1922 to 1930. Walaupun ia sepakat dengan Bolsheviks dalam menentang Rusia dari keterlibatan dalam perang, ia menentang mereka dalam perebutan kekuasaan dan publik 1917 dikritik Lenin dari metode. Kecewa dengan pasca revolutionairy hidup, ia kembali pergi ke luar negeri, kali ini ke Italia, di mana dia tetap dari 1922 ke 1930.
In 1928, Gorky yielded to great public pressure to return to Russia, and upon his return, he was greeted with extravagant festivities. Pada tahun 1928, Gorky besar untuk menghasilkan tekanan publik untuk kembali ke Rusia, dan setelah itu kembali, dia disambut dengan acara-acara luar biasa. He died on June 14, 1936 at the age of sixty-eight, and there is a bit of a mystery surrounding the circumstances of his death. Dia meninggal pada 14 Jun 1936 pada usia enam puluh delapan, dan ada sedikit misteri sekitar keadaan dari kematiannya. Although he was receiving treatment for tuberculosis, from which he had suffered ever since his failed suicide attempt at the age of 21, these treatments were standard, and his life was not considered to be in jeopardy. Meskipun ia menerima perawatan untuk tuberkulosis, dimana ia pernah menderita sejak ia gagal mencoba bunuh diri pada usia 21, ini adalah perawatan standar, dan hidupnya tidak dianggap dalam bahaya. A police chief, Genrikh Yagoda, later confessed to having ordered his death, and although there has been no solid proof, some historians believe Yagoda was acting under orders from Stalin himself. J kepala polisi, Genrikh Yagoda, kemudian mengakui yang memerintahkan kematiannya, dan meskipun belum ada bukti kuat, beberapa sejarahwan yakin Yagoda telah bertindak berdasarkan pesanan dari Stalin sendiri.
Gorky left behind a body of work that helped to found socialist realism. Gorky kiri di belakang tubuh yang bekerja membantu menemukan realisme sosialis. His other plays include The Zykovs (1914), The Old Man (1919), The Counterfeit Coin (1926), Yegor Bulychov (1931), and Dostegayev and Others (1933). In addition to his plays, novels, and short stories, he also wrote an autobiographical trilogy consisting of My Childhood (1914), In the World (1916), and My Universities (1923). His lainnya yang diputar termasuk Zykovs (1914), The Old Man (1919), The Coin Palsu (1926), Yegor Bulychov (1931), dan Dostegayev dan Lain-lain (1933). Selain itu diputar, novel, dan cerita pendek, Ia juga menulis riwayat hidup sendiri yang terdiri dari trilogi Saya Childhood (1914), In the World (1916), dan Perguruan Tinggi Saya (1923).